An expert on my field: Marie Curie

 I was looking for a important scientist of all time, and a high proportion were men. So, I decided to write about a science woman. Her name is Marie Curie, she was born on November 7, 1867 in Poland.

After finishing high school, she took private lessons because it was not possible to enroll her in an institution of higher education for being a woman. Bronislawa -her first name- with her sister entered the clandestine Uniwersytet Latajacy, an institution of higher education if admitted female students.
In 1891 he travels to Paris, where he changed his name for Marie. In 1891 he enrolled in the science course in the Paris University.
In 1894 he met Pierre Curie. At that time, both working in the field of magnetism, they married and started projects together.She became interested in the field of radioactivity, and in this area she discovered two new radioactive chemical elements; uranium and radium.
Marie was the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes and the only one to do it in two different scientific specialties: Physics (1903) and Chemistry (1910).
She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, to hold a professorship and teaching at the University of Paris, becoming she an icon of women in science and sexist society of that time.


  1. Marie Curie, an example of a woman, a wonderful and great scientist.

  2. I love her, I wish there was more recognition of women's work.

  3. Marie Curie was a great scientist and inspiration for women!! I love her !!

  4. What a wonderful woman, she was really a pioneer in the science!

  5. whenever i read some marie curie i learn more about the story


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