Overweight and obesity in Chile

This time I will wrote about a social issue, It seems interesting to me inquire into the topic of obesity and overweight rates in Chile, because it is a subject related to health and the way of life of our culture. 
In Chile and other countries in the world, obesity and excess weight have a high and increasing prevalence from the first years of life. Today Obesity is a global health problem, that is why we speak of Globesity. 
Demographics and socioeconomic factors and changes in food supply and lifestyles have led to inadequate eating behaviors and sedentary activity of Chilean population. This has been reflected in a significant increase in obesity throughout the life cycle, which determines negative effects on the risk of developing various chronic diseases. In the population attending public health system there is 9.7% obesity in children under 6 years, a proportion that increases to nearly 22% in pregnant women, seniors and at first grade school attended by Junaeb. 

According to OPS/OMS, in the Chilean adult population, the prevalence of the malnourished people (BMI<18.5) is 0.8% and that of obesity is 23.2% (19.6% in men and 29.3% in women). More than 60% of the population has some degree of excess weight (overweight or obesity). The big challenge is to define and implement cost-effective strategies for prevention throughout the life cycle.
Junaeb school statistics on overweight 


  1. Obesity is a pandemic, it's a serious global problem

  2. This is a serious issue that’s has not given the importance that deserves

  3. its so dificult control the problem in the world and Chile because its a contry as low food culture


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