Why did I choose this career?

When I was a child, I never had an idea about my future, but I would ever wanted to be a vet, detective and a film director. But when I was ending up the basic school, I known that the most probably was I studied something relation to sciences. 
Later, in the high school, I thought that biology and chemistry were very interesting. But at the same time, I started to read by myself and then I wrote my own short stories and poems. 
So, one year before I finished the high school, I had only two options of careers, there was chemistry and pharmacy or literature. By the end of that year, I spoke with the coordinator of the school and he said me the comparation between two professions. Then I realized that I wanted to be in a stable occupation and economic situation. Therefore, the last year of high school I had a decision: I would be study chemistry and pharmacy. 
This is an extensive and demanding career, so far I have had some difficulties in some subjects, but I think I made the right decision, because I have many job opportunities in different areas. I like advances in scientific research, but lately I have discovered that I am interested in cosmetic technology, so I will hope to have a clearer vision of each field by the time I finish studying.


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