
Overweight and obesity in Chile

This time I will wrote about a social issue, It seems interesting to me inquire into the topic of obesity and overweight rates in Chile, because it is a subject related to health and the way of life of our culture.  In Chile and other countries in the world, obesity and excess weight have a high and increasing prevalence from the first years of life. Today Obesity is a global health problem, that is why we speak of Globesity.  Demographics and socioeconomic factors and changes in food supply and lifestyles have led to inadequate eating behaviors and sedentary activity of Chilean population. This has been reflected in a significant increase in obesity throughout the life cycle, which determines negative effects on the risk of developing various chronic diseases. In the population attending public health system there is 9.7% obesity in children under 6 years, a proportion that increases to nearly 22% in pregnant women, seniors and at first grade school attended by Junaeb.   According to
 Dreaming about my future job I always wanted to be a scientist or work in something related to science. Currently, I study chemistry and pharmacy, as I have already mentioned, and this is a career with a wide field of work, so I have many options. I would like to work primarily in a laboratory, either researching or developing products. For now, I am thinking of doing a specialty in the cosmetic area, because I am interested in the innovation and formulation of personal care products, even if this means more time to study. One day, a successful colleague by our profession visited us at university and she was my inspiration. She was recognized in the cosmetic industry internationally, and she was wealthy. I imagine that I will work for a time in laboratories in this country, to have experience, and then I could go abroad to participate in laboratory innovation, develop new products, such as lotions, body creams, makeup, etc. This field is well paid, so with new opportunities abroad I c

An expert on my field: Marie Curie

 I was looking for a important scientist of all time, and a high proportion were men. So, I decided to write about a science woman. Her name is Marie Curie, she was born on November 7, 1867 in Poland. After finishing high school, she took private lessons because it was not possible to enroll her in an institution of higher education for being a woman. Bronislawa -her first name- with her sister entered the clandestine Uniwersytet Latajacy, an institution of higher education if admitted female students. In 1891 he travels to Paris, where he changed his name for Marie. In 1891 he enrolled in the science course in the Paris University. In 1894 he met Pierre Curie. At that time, both working in the field of magnetism, they married and started projects together.She became interested in the field of radioactivity, and in this area she discovered two new radioactive chemical elements; uranium and radium. Marie was the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes and the only one to do it in two d

Why did I choose this career?

When I was a child, I never had an idea about my future, but I would ever wanted to be a vet, detective and a film director. But when I was ending up the basic school, I known that the most probably was I studied something relation to sciences.  Later, in the high school, I thought that biology and chemistry were very interesting. But at the same time, I started to read by myself and then I wrote my own short stories and poems.  So, one year before I finished the high school, I had only two options of careers, there was chemistry and pharmacy or literature. By the end of that year, I spoke with the coordinator of the school and he said me the comparation between two professions. Then I realized that I wanted to be in a stable occupation and economic situation. Therefore, the last year of high school I had a decision: I would be study chemistry and pharmacy.  This is an extensive and demanding career, so far I have had some difficulties in some subjects, but I think I made the right dec
 A trip that I remember... I just accustomed to travel during my summer holidays,  and the majority of the travel had been within the country. I ha ve only been once abroad, but this is not of my most memorable trips.  I have traveled much of the country with my family, but the best trips were at south of Chile. We traveled repeatedly to the region of Temuco, but the time that I enjoyed most was in 2013. I went with my parents, muy grandmothers, my little brother and my cousin, and we stayed in different cabins, according to the place we travel. We were in Villarrica, Pucon, Caburgua, Valdivia and Frutillar. When the days were hot we were swimming in the lake, and if the day was becoming cold or rainy, we hung out for a walk, climb the volcano or a swim in hot springs. I enjoyed a lot the excursions to the woods, jumps and "eyes" of the Caburgua lake, and could make campfires at night with other tourists. In summary, there you never get bored.                           During
A country I would like to travel: Greece October 21, 2020 Hello everyone, this time I will post about Greece. Since I was a child, I had  the desire to travel to this country seeing the world maps. Seems so interesting to me to know in person the cradle of Western civilization. Greece is a country with more than 10 million inhabitants, is located in southeastern Europe and surrounded by Aegeand islands. I would like to visit many of the cities, go to the temple of the Parthenon in the capital Athens, together with  emblematic monuments, and mainly know to Santorini, whose beaches, landscapes, ruins and architecture are magnificent. I would like to make this trip when I finish my higher studies, so that I can stay there on vacation for a month with my family or friends. Maybe it is a good place to live and work for a while, but first I must learn the language and know its culture, lifestyle and food. For the moment, I hope I can raise the money and make this trip a reality.